Message to the ND Coaching Community

Message to the ND Coaching Community

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about unmasking including what I do, which is help people unmask their true selves, and how this relates to being an embodied being with all of our social, cultural, and integrated thoughts, feelings and “norms”. The truth is, there...
Message to the ND Coaching Community

How Unmasking Affects Burnout

One of the biggest tips given to neurodivergent people succumbing to burnout is to unmask–fully and completely. But like anything offered as a “cure” or a “quick fix”, unmasking in this manner can actually acerbate burnout. In this...
Episode 25: When To Tackle Projects On Your Own?

Genre is a Social Construct

Genre seems ubiquitous. You walk into a bookstore and once you get past the tables at the front of the store, the rest of it is shelved neatly by genre. But have you ever thought about why stores do this or why you talk about the genre in which you write? Does genre...