Tap Into Something More...

The MuseCharmer Network Welcomes Creatives, Seekers and Dreamers


MCN is a media network for the storyteller in all of us. Whether you’re an author, a seeker, or

someone simply looking for something more, you’ll find something to help you discover the truth

and share your story with others.

FREE Podcasts and Videos for Storytellers and Seekers

From the craft of writing and the art of publishing, to reducing stress and avoiding burnout while you’re chasing your dreams, to discovering your authentic self and finding your voice, the MuseCharmer Network has something for you.

Thinking About the Creative Nervous System

You've heard me talk about the creative nervous system, but what is it exactly? And how can you figure out your creative nervous system type? In this episode I discuss the three parts to the creative nervous system, where they come from, how they work together, and...

How Unmasking Affects Burnout

One of the biggest tips given to neurodivergent people succumbing to burnout is to unmask--fully and completely. But like anything offered as a "cure" or a "quick fix", unmasking in this manner can actually acerbate burnout. In this episode, I discuss why unmasking...

Genre is a Social Construct

Genre seems ubiquitous. You walk into a bookstore and once you get past the tables at the front of the store, the rest of it is shelved neatly by genre. But have you ever thought about why stores do this or why you talk about the genre in which you write? Does genre...

Episode 26: Remembering Who You Are

Remember who you were before the world told you who you couldn't be. To me this is an extremely powerful statement and one that I help people with through my yoga philosophy based spiritual mentoring. I talk about this statement, the three steps to working through and...

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Thinking About the Creative Nervous System

Thinking About the Creative Nervous System

You've heard me talk about the creative nervous system, but what is it exactly? And how can you figure out your creative nervous system type? In this episode I discuss the three parts to the creative nervous system, where they come from, how they work together, and...

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How Unmasking Affects Burnout

How Unmasking Affects Burnout

One of the biggest tips given to neurodivergent people succumbing to burnout is to unmask--fully and completely. But like anything offered as a "cure" or a "quick fix", unmasking in this manner can actually acerbate burnout. In this episode, I discuss why unmasking...

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Genre is a Social Construct

Genre is a Social Construct

Genre seems ubiquitous. You walk into a bookstore and once you get past the tables at the front of the store, the rest of it is shelved neatly by genre. But have you ever thought about why stores do this or why you talk about the genre in which you write? Does genre...

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Episode 26: Remembering Who You Are

Episode 26: Remembering Who You Are

Remember who you were before the world told you who you couldn't be. To me this is an extremely powerful statement and one that I help people with through my yoga philosophy based spiritual mentoring. I talk about this statement, the three steps to working through and...

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Why Mindset Doesn’t Always Work

Why Mindset Doesn’t Always Work

Just think positive. That's what's supposed to fix all our ills, and I won't deny that being able to see all the sides of a situation, not just the negative can help. But there's a lot that goes into our mindset, the way we think, and 'just thinking positive' doesn't...

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When To Think About Your Author Mindset

When To Think About Your Author Mindset

Mindset is one of those things that people talk a lot about, but they don't give a lot of specifics on. You have a lot to handle when you're an independent author. When do you actually work on your mindset and is it something you need to focus on all the time? More...

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Episode 25: Examining Shame and the Neurodivergent Brain

Episode 25: Examining Shame and the Neurodivergent Brain

This week I go a bit deeper into the blog posts I wrote reviewing the book How To Keep House While Drowning and my post about my procrastinated (but now finished!) yard project. I’ll break down the four things that are necessary for shame, why shame doesn’t always...

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About the MuseCharmer Network

Go beyond the nuts and bolts and tap into your creative soul

The MuseCharmer network provides shows for the storytellers and the seekers.
Go beyond the “how to” and the “shoulds” to discover how to revel in your inner storyteller.
Get inspired. Go deep. And charm your muse.

Refill your creative cup!


Life’s stresses drain us. It doesn’t matter what we’re dealing with. At MuseCharmer Network, our shows are designed to help refill your creative cup and help you develop a bottomless creative well. Whether it’s exploring your spirituality, listening to authors, talk about books, genres, or tropes, the MuseCharmer Network has you covered.


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Do you have a podcast that would fit on our network? We’re always looking to add new shows. Reach out and let’s see how we can work together.