Tap Into Something More...

The MuseCharmer Network Welcomes Creatives, Seekers and Dreamers


MCN is a media network for the storyteller in all of us. Whether you’re an author, a seeker, or

someone simply looking for something more, you’ll find something to help you discover the truth

and share your story with others.

FREE Podcasts and Videos for Storytellers and Seekers

From the craft of writing and the art of publishing, to reducing stress and avoiding burnout while you’re chasing your dreams, to discovering your authentic self and finding your voice, the MuseCharmer Network has something for you.

Interview with Aborigen #WriteTalkWednesday

https://youtu.be/6wUQaJD-hfA Aborigen is a writer, editor, and author of Holiday Bonus, As for Ginny, and We Come From Somewhere This Was Real. With over two decades of dedicated experience, he has crafted and honed a unique niche within size fantasy, centering his...

Why It’s Important To Regulate Your Nervous System

There are three things that have to go hand-in-hand for us to step into our authentic, embodied selves. The first two are authenticity and embodiment. The last one? Nervous system regulation. If we're stuck in fight or flight mode, then we're not going to be able to...

Interview with Morgan Daimler

https://youtu.be/V_faC-t8ASg About Our Guest Morgan Daimler teaches classes and writes about Irish myth and magical practices, fairies, and related subjects. Morgan’s writing has appeared in a variety of magazines including Pagan Dawn and Witches & Pagans, and...

Feathermane Soul Wisdom Episode 3 What Does It Mean To Be AutiSpiritual?

The term autispiritual picks up on the tradition of such words as neuroqueer and autigender where our neurodiversity and/or autism directly impacts our experiences as queer individuals or our experience of our gender. Autispiritual means that our autism impacts our...

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Interview with Aborigen #WriteTalkWednesday

Interview with Aborigen #WriteTalkWednesday

https://youtu.be/6wUQaJD-hfA Aborigen is a writer, editor, and author of Holiday Bonus, As for Ginny, and We Come From Somewhere This Was Real. With over two decades of dedicated experience, he has crafted and honed a unique niche within size fantasy, centering his...

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Interview with Morgan Daimler

Interview with Morgan Daimler

https://youtu.be/V_faC-t8ASg About Our Guest Morgan Daimler teaches classes and writes about Irish myth and magical practices, fairies, and related subjects. Morgan’s writing has appeared in a variety of magazines including Pagan Dawn and Witches & Pagans, and...

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Interview with Ellen Evert Hopman

https://youtu.be/j_C1B7gJhhs About our Guest: Ellen Evert Hopman, is the author of a number of books of Herbalism and Celtic lore and has been a teacher of Herbalism since 1983 and of Druidism since 1990. She is a professional member of the American Herbalists Guild...

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Interview with Irisanya Moon

Interview with Irisanya Moon

https://youtu.be/O544GZnBcVU Books featured on our podcast: Iris: https://amzn.to/4jalnLT The Norns: https://amzn.to/3CeGzQ3 Gaia: https://amzn.to/40qzNjz Artemis: https://amzn.to/3E1xBWU Author Amazon Link: https://amzn.to/42a6HWQ About our Guest:I'm an author,...

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Interview with Laura Perry (#WriteTalkWednesday)

Interview with Laura Perry (#WriteTalkWednesday)

https://youtu.be/owZ-Cm9Ug-M Books featured on our podcast: Ariadne's Thread: https://amzn.to/4a1XPV9 or https://books2read.com/u/baVpYL Labrys & Horns: https://amzn.to/4a1i59J or https://books2read.com/u/meV2Wl The Minoans (releases July 26, 2025):...

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Season 2 Update for #WriteTalkWednesday

Season 2 Update for #WriteTalkWednesday

https://youtube.com/shorts/IW9dOA1oCms I am pleased to announce that after a very long hiatus we're back for season 2. Listen to the podcast or watch the video to find out when we launch and how you can be a guest. Let's see if we can fill 2025 with author...

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Why Body Theology is Vital For Neurodivergent People

Body theology is our experiences in the world, and our relationships and connections to ourselves, and to something larger than ourselves, such as the universe as a whole, from the perspective that we are embodied, whole, complete human beings with body schemas and...

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Message to the ND Coaching Community

Message to the ND Coaching Community

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about unmasking including what I do, which is help people unmask their true selves, and how this relates to being an embodied being with all of our social, cultural, and integrated thoughts, feelings and “norms”. The truth is, there...

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About the MuseCharmer Network

Go beyond the nuts and bolts and tap into your creative soul

The MuseCharmer network provides shows for the storytellers and the seekers.
Go beyond the “how to” and the “shoulds” to discover how to revel in your inner storyteller.
Get inspired. Go deep. And charm your muse.

Refill your creative cup!


Life’s stresses drain us. It doesn’t matter what we’re dealing with. At MuseCharmer Network, our shows are designed to help refill your creative cup and help you develop a bottomless creative well. Whether it’s exploring your spirituality, listening to authors, talk about books, genres, or tropes, the MuseCharmer Network has you covered.


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Do you have a podcast that would fit on our network? We’re always looking to add new shows. Reach out and let’s see how we can work together.