About our Guest: From Frances Billinghurst:I am an author, metaphysician, and initiate of a modern Mystery spiritual path with ancient influences residing in the Antipodes, south of the equator. I have long been drawn to the Mysteries of...
About our Guest: After a quarter of a century of working in corporate managerial and software engineering roles with the Ministry of Defence I knew I had to get out – but I can be very stubborn, and fearful of change. I hung on, waiting for a Round Tooit to come...
About our Guest: When I was eleven, my school held a mock-census. One of the questions — a very obvious question to include — was “What do you want to be when you grow up?” There were the usual answers you’d expect; soldiers, firefighters, pilots, and the... Aborigen is a writer, editor, and author of Holiday Bonus, As for Ginny, and We Come From Somewhere This Was Real. With over two decades of dedicated experience, he has crafted and honed a unique niche within size fantasy, centering his... About Our Guest Morgan Daimler teaches classes and writes about Irish myth and magical practices, fairies, and related subjects. Morgan’s writing has appeared in a variety of magazines including Pagan Dawn and Witches & Pagans, and...
We're always looking to interview authors, storytellers, and those who work at the intersection of spirituality and our shows' interests. To see our current list of upcoming themes for the shows which are themed, or to apply to be a guest, visit our speakers page.