Welcome to the official launch of the Feathermane Soul Wisdom podcast. I begin this show by talking about my process, my work, my goals, and what I hope to bring to you. If you’re listening to this there’s a good chance you are neurodivergent, might be queer, and you may experience a chronic illness or disability, or maybe you see yourself in all three groups. I struggled for a long time trying to be who others wanted me to be. Trying to fit in, be “normal” (That is just a setting on the dryer, you know, and maybe not even the newer ones.), and in the end I worked myself to one of the biggest episodes of autistic burnout I have ever experienced. And it’s changed my life forever.

I focused on what I want. Completed a bachelors degree and now am working on a masters degree in Religious Studies, took the lovely intersection of psychology, mental health, spirituality, religion, and living queer, neruodivergent, and chronically ill/disabled, and smashed it together like a giant ball of Silly Putty, then started to see what I could do with it. This podcast is part of that process.

I hope you’ll join me weekly.

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